Enterprise Version

In the Enterprise version the following roles are required to add, assign or modify team members in Consultation Manager.

The Enterprise Administrator can:

  • add a new person as a team member to the system
  • assign or modify existing team members level and project access.

The Team Leader can:

  • assign or modify existing team member's level and project access.

To add a new person, 
  1. search to ensure the team member doesn't already exist in the system (To do this open all project areas).
  2. then click on Manage -> Enterprise.
  3. from the Team Members line under the projects listing, click on the Assign/Add New button (+).
Screenshot 1

Complete the new team members details by entering:
  • name, email address (as a minimum)
  • select a level of access and the projects they are to be assigned to
  • click on Create and an email will be sent to the team member with their password details.

To assign or modify an existing team member's level or project access

  1. open all Projects
  2. search for the relevant Team member
  3. open the team member's profile in the workspace and from here you'll see the team members assigned project and current level of access under the project role ie. data editor, data entry etc
  4. click on the associated project role, a drop down will appear for you to select a new role.
  5. optional, to assign team members to other project areas, from the Projects line click on Assign/Add New button (+) and add the relevant projects.

Screenshot 2

To remove a Team Member 

If the team member has had no interactions in the system you can simply click on the red cross to the left of their name to remove them from the project areas.  If they have had interactions then they cannot be removed as their history of interactions is important to the project.  In this case you simply change their role to that of  'Team Member' and they can no longer log in.

Project/Lite Version

In the Project/Lite version, a Team Leader can add or modify team members in Consultation Manager.

To add a new person, 

  1. search to ensure the team member doesn't already exist in the system
  2. then click on Manage -> Project.
  3. from the Team Members line under the projects listing, click on the Assign/Add New button (+) (see screenshot 1 above)
  4. complete Team members details ensuring there is a name and email address as a minimum, select a level of access and the projects they are to be assigned to
  5. click on Create and an email will be sent to the team member with their password details.

To modify an existing team member's level of access

To make any modifications to your team go to:
  1. search for the relevant Team member
  2. open the team member's profile in the workspace and from here you'll see the team members assigned project and current level of access under the project role ie. data editor, data entry etc
  3. click on the associated project role, a drop down will appear for you to select a new role (see screenshot 2 above).

To remove a Team Member 

If the team member has had no interactions in the system you can simply delete them.  If they have had interactions then they cannot be removed as their history of interactions is important to the project.  In this case you simply change their role to that of  'Team Member' and they can no longer log in.

For more information, see:

To view a quick video overview of managing your team click here

For a breakdown of the various roles that a team member can have in Consultation Manager click here.
Managing duplicate team members you will find a help file on how to deal with duplicates here.